Gibson es 125 vs 150
Gibson es 125 vs 150

gibson es 125 vs 150

Please note: this kit is designed for Gibson Les Paul Historic Reissue or vintage guitars that use short shaft pots (all Historic guitars and Gibson LPs made before 1978). Top of the line CTS pots! We do measure all pots and use higher values for the volume positions.

  • 4 USA CTS500 550K (+/- 10% tolerance) knurled short shaft audio taper potentiometers (2 volume, 2 tone).
  • Hear what you've been missing from your humbuckers!

    gibson es 125 vs 150

    A very economical way to improve the tone of your LP! Direct replacement for your vintage or Historic Les Paul 1959 1958 1960 reissue (R0, R9, R8, R7). Vintage Relic Les Paul pre-wired upgrade harness (NOS K40Y-9. Also, CTS pots require a 3/8" hole (in the top of your guitar) most USA made guitars are drilled this way, however imported guitars often are not. Please note: this kit is designed for Gibson Les Paul's that use LONG shaft pots (Gibson USA Standard, etc and Gibson LPs made after 1977).

  • 4 USA CTS500 550K (+/- 10% tolerance) knurled long shaft audio taper potentiometers (2 volume, 2 tone).
  • A very economical way to improve the tone of your LP! Direct replacement for your USA Les Paul Standard, Traditional, Classic and other Les Pauls which use LONG shaft pots. If you have an Historic, see our other item. Please note: this kit is designed for Gibson Les Pauls that use long shaft pots (most all non-Historic Reissue Gibson Les Pauls made since 1977). Great sounding caps! Same as the Luxe caps except for the cosmetics.

    gibson es 125 vs 150

    2 NOS (new old stock) Russian K40Y-9 PIO (paper-in-oil) tone capacitors. .015uF for the neck and.Your pickups must have 4-conductor wiring we will provide a wiring diagram and a wire "color code" list for many common pickup makers (Gibson, ThroBak, Duncan, DiMarzio, Fralin, Sheptone, Fender, WCR, GFS, Bare Knuckles). The push/pull pot in the neck position allows COIL SPLITTING the push/pull pot in the bridge position allows OUT OF PHASE tone. 2 USA USA 500k long shaft PUSH / PULL pots (tone).2 USA CTS500 550K (+/- 10% tolerance) knurled long shaft audio taper potentiometers (volume).

    gibson es 125 vs 150

    A very economical way to improve the tone of your LP! Direct replacement for your Les Paul Standard Traditional Classic. Vintage Relic Les Paul "Jimmy Page" style pre-wired upgrade harness (NOS K40Y-9.

    Gibson es 125 vs 150